PSU WRF/EnKF Real-time Atlantic Hurricane Forecast

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Initial time

Hours of forecast
0h forecast

Model Levels

PSU Forecast EnKF Pressure GFS Forecast GFS Pressure
PSU Forecast EnKF Wind PSU Forecast EnKF RH
Technical notes about the PSU WRF/EnKF Real-time Hurricane Prediction System developed and maintained by Fuqing Zhang and Yonghui Weng

  • All forecast times are displayed in GMT. It is 4 hours after the Eastern Time (ET).
  • The forecast system is based on WRF ARW V3.1.1 and the Penn State (PSU) EnKF with 60 ensemble members for data assimilation.
  • There are three triply nested WRF forecast domains with grid spacing of 40.5km, 13.5km and 4.5km, respectively.

  • A4NR: PSU 4.5-km forecast with no airborne Radar assimilation deterministic forecast
  • GFS: NCEP Global Forecast System