PSU WRF/EnKF Real-time Atlantic Hurricane Forecast

Select a storm

Initial time

Hours of forecast
0h forecast

PSU 3km MaxDBZ Forecast 3km MaxDBZ PSU 3km 10m-Wind Forecast 3km Surface Wind
Technical notes about the PSU WRF/EnKF Real-time Hurricane Prediction System (pdf)

  • The forecast system is based on WRF ARW V3.4.1 and the Penn State (PSU) EnKF with 60 ensemble members for data assimilation.
  • There are three triply nested WRF forecast domains with grid spacing of 27/9/3 km.
  • The system is initialized before the storm developed, and cycling the assimiltion with all conventional observations, Recon and TDR data every 3 hours till the end of the storm.
  • These figures are generated from the 3-km domain.