8:30‑8:45 |
Fuqing Zhang |
Opening Remarks |
8:45‑10:00 |
Session 1 |
Convective Weathers (Chair: Da Fan) |
8:45‑9:00 |
James Ruppert |
Convectively Coupled Diurnal Gravity Waves in the Maritime Continent |
9:00‑9:15 |
Xinye Zheng |
Application of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in Detecting Severe Weather Events from Radar Reflectivity Images |
9:15‑9:30 |
Alejandro Hermoso |
Bred Vectors Based Tailored Perturbations: Application to Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System over the Western Mediterranean |
9:30‑9:45 |
Tingting Qian |
Preliminary Study on Convectively Generated Gravity Wave Obtained from Observation, Reanalysis Data and WRF Simulation |
9:45‑10:15 |
Shuguang Wang |
Invited: The MJO Precipitation Signature |
10:15‑10:40 |
Coffee Break |
10:40‑12:10 |
Session 2 |
New Applications in Data Assimilation (Chair: Chris Hartman) |
10:40‑10:55 |
Xingchao Chen |
Development of an Air-Sea Fully-Coupled Data Assimilation System |
10:55‑11:10 |
Paul Mykolajtchuk |
Analysis of a Missed Forecast on April 28th, 2019 |
11:10‑11:25 |
Keenan Eure |
Case Study: Evaluation of PBL Depth in an Erroneous HRRR Forecast for CI |
11:25‑11:40 |
Yunji Zhang |
Improving Probabilistic Prediction of Convection Initiation Using Radar-Derived Boundary Layer Height Observations with an Ensemble Kalman Filter |
11:40‑11:55 |
Mingsong Li |
Data Assimilation for the PETM 56 Million Years Ago: Progresses and Challenges |
11:55‑12:10 |
Hart Gilliespie |
The 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm: Insights from the EMARS Reanalysis |
12:10‑1:30 |
Lunch |
1:30‑2:30 |
Session 3 |
Satellite Data Assimilation (Chair: Yunji Zhang) |
1:30‑1:45 |
Man-Yau Chan |
The Impact of Assimilating All-Sky Infrared Satellite Radiances on Moisture Variables in a Gray Zone Ensemble over the Equatorial Indian Ocean |
1:45‑2:00 |
Chris Hartman |
Improving Hurricane Intensity Forecasts through Convection-Permitting Ensemble Data Assmilation of All-Sky Satellite Radiance |
2:00‑2:15 |
Zhu Yao |
The impact of ocean surface and atmosphere on TOA mircowave radiance |
2:15‑2:30 |
Jie He |
Bias Correction and Data Assimilation of Satellite Radiance from GOES-16 |
2:30‑3:00 |
Coffee Break |
3:00‑3:45 |
Session 4 |
Weather Prediction (Chair: Zhu Yao) |
3:00‑3:15 |
Jon Seibert |
Preliminary Applications of the Geometry-Sensitive Ensemble Mean for Lake-Effect Snowbands |
3:15‑3:30 |
Robert Nystrom |
The Impact of Air-Sea Momentum and Enthalpy Fluxes and Their Uncertainties in the Development, Structure, and Intensification of Hurricane Patricia (2015) |
3:30‑3:45 |
Da Fan |
New Insights into Atmospheric Predictability through Spherical Harmonics Transformation |
3:45‑4:00 |
Yinghui Lu |
Building Microphysical Scheme Consistent Scattering Lookup Tables for FV3 Model |
4:00‑4:30 |
Grand discussion, concluding remarks, and group photo |