Winter 2016 Group Meeting Schedule

Monday, December 12, 2016 (529 Walker)

9:00‑9:15 Fuqing Zhang Introduction
9:15‑10:15 Session 1 Chair: Yunji Zhang
9:15‑9:30 Su Liu Influence of Assimilating of Atmospheric Motion Vector and Brightness Temperature on Numerical forecast of TC Usagi (2013)
9:30‑9:45 Robert Nystrom Understanding Regions of Initial Condition Errors and Their Effects on Hurricane Joaquin (2015)
9:45‑10:00 Yanting Ye Effects and Parameterization of VWS and TC Motion on Rainfall Asymmetry using TRMM
10:00‑10:15 Dandan Tao What happens before RI?
10:15‑10:30 Break/Discussion
10:30‑11:30 Session 2 Chair: Andrew Thomas
10:30‑10:45 Yue Ying Scale Dependent Localization: Test with Quasi-Geostrophic Models
10:45‑11:00 Yunji Zhang Influence of EnKF of a Severe Storm Event in an OSSE Scenario
11:00‑11:15 Scott Sieron Modified CRTM: Nonspherical Particles and Preliminary Data Assimilation Experiments
11:15‑11:30 Masashi Minamide Impacts of Assimilating All-Sky Satellite Brightness Temperatures on Tropical Cyclone Forecasting
11:30‑1:30 Lunch/Discussion
1:30‑2:15 Session 3 Chair: Su Liu
1:30‑1:45 Y.Qiang Sun Atmospheric Predictability for Mid-Latitude Jet/front System
1:45‑2:00 Sourav Taraphdar Relative Role of Different Atmospheric Waves in the MJO Initiation and Propagation
2:00‑2:15 Andrew Thomas Practical Predictabilities of Ozone: Sensitivity to Emissions Inventory and Planetary Boundary Layer
2:15‑2:30 Break/Discussion
2:30‑3:15 Session 4 Chair: Yanting Ye
2:30‑2:45 Hans Chen Sources and Sinks of Carbon Dioxide: What do we need to estimate them, and what do we currently have?
2:45‑3:00 Hui-Wen Lai Sensitivity of Multi-Layer Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus Clouds to Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Ice Nuclei Number Concentration
3:00‑3:15 Lei Zhu The Impacts of the Diurnal Land-Sea Breeze Variation on the Diurnal Precipitation Cycle over an Idealized Tropical Island
3:15‑3:30 Discussion/Concluding Remarks