11:00‑11:15 |
Fuqing Zhang |
Introduction |
11:15‑12:00 |
Session 3 |
Chair: Erin Munsell |
11:15‑11:30 |
Scott Sieron |
All-sky microwave radiative transfer modeling: Advancing the CRTM to microphysics-consistent cloud optical properties |
11:30‑11:45 |
Masashi Minamide |
EnKF assimilation of GOES-R all-sky infrared brightness temperature for the analysis and forecast of tropical cyclones |
11:45‑12:00 |
Michael Ying |
Recent progress and challenges in applying data assimilation for tropical weather systems |
12:00‑12:15 |
Break/Discussion |
12:15‑12:30 |
Progress report |
Jerry Zhang |
Cold bias in frequent WRF initializations |
Andrew Thomas |
Particle Filter - Ensemble Kalman filter hybrid data assimilation |
Yonghui Weng |
PSU hurricane realtime; NASA HIWRAP assimilating |
Yudong Gao |
Progress on assimilation of reconnaissance data |
Yicun Zhen |
The progress of applying covariance estimation methods on Speedy model PSU hurricane realtime; NASA HIWRAP assimilating |
Dan Yao |
Case Study of a Tornado in China with Large Eddy Simulation |
12:30‑14:00 |
Lunch |
Pizza! |
14:00‑14:45 |
Session 4 |
Chair: Y.Qiang Sun |
14:00‑14:30 |
Invited speaker Zhiyong Meng |
What we found about the extremely high-impact event of 21 July 2012 in Beijing? |
14:30‑14:45 |
Break/Discussion |
14:45‑15:30 |
Session 5 |
Chair: Christopher Melhauser |
14:45‑54:00 |
Mingxin Li |
Impact of environmental factors and microphysics on hail production (real case simulation and sensitivity experiments using WRF) |
15:00‑15:15 |
Yuanchun Zhang |
Diurnal variation of warm-season precipitation and vortices east of big topography |
15:15‑15:30 |
Xingchao Chen |
Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Pearl River Delta during Mei-Yu Season |